Technical University of Munich
Genel Bilgiler
Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München – TUM), Almanya’nın en iyi üniversiteleri arasında yer almakta ve dünya çapında mühendislik, teknoloji ve bilim alanlarında öncü bir konuma sahiptir.
Üniversite, araştırma disiplinleriyle önde gelen teknoloji şirketleri ve kurumlarıyla sürekli iş birliği içinde çalışarak, öğrencilere hem akademik hem de pratik bilgi sunmaktadır. Almanya’da "üstünlük" derecesinde eğitim veren üniversiteler arasında yer alan TUM, girişimci yapısıyla da öne çıkmaktadır.
Technical University of Munich, eğitim ve araştırma faaliyetlerini üç farklı kampüste sürdürmektedir:
- Münih (Munich) Kampüsü
- Garching Kampüsü
- Weihenstephan Kampüsü
TUM, yenilikçi akademik yapısı, dünya çapındaki iş birlikleri ve teknoloji odaklı eğitim anlayışıyla, Almanya’nın ve Avrupa’nın en prestijli teknik üniversitelerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Ranking Bilgileri
Münih Teknik Üniversitesi;
- QS World 2022'de 50. sırada
- THE World 2021'de 41. sırada
- ARWU World 2020'de 54. sırada
- THE Employability 2020'de 12. sırada yer almaktadır.
Sunulan Programlar
Technical University of Munich lisans programları;
- Aerospace
- Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
- Architecture
- Biochemistry
- Bioeconomics
- Biogenic Materials
- Bioinformatics
- Brewing and Beverage Technology
- Chemical Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Electronics and Data Engineering
- Engineering Science
- Environmental Engineering
- Food Chemistry
- Food Technology
- Forest Science and Resource Management
- Geodesy and Geoinformation
- Geosciences
- Health Sciences
- Informatics
- Informatics: Games Engineering
- Information Engineering (at TUM Campus Heilbronn)
- Information Systems
- Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
- Life Sciences Biology
- Life Sciences Nutrition
- Management and Technology
- Management and Technology (TUM-BWL)
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Bioprocess Engineering
- Physics
- Political Science
- Sport Science
- Sustainable Management and Technology
- Teaching at Academic Secondary Schools - Scientific Education
- Technology of Biogenic Resources
- Vocational Education Agriculture (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Health and Health Care Science (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Metal Engineering (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Nutrition and Home Economics (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Structural Engineering (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
Technical University of Munich yüksek lisans programları;
- Aerospace
- Aerospace Engineering
- Agricultural Biosciences
- Agrosystem Sciences
- Architecture
- Automotive Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Bioeconomy
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biomass Technology
- Biomedical Computing (BMC)
- Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
- Biomedical Neuroscience
- Brewing and Beverage Technology
- Business Education I
- Business Education II with second teaching subject
- Cartography
- Chemical Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Communications Engineering
- Computational Mechanics
- Conservation and Landscape Planning
- Consumer Science
- Data Engineering and Analytics
- Development, Production and Management in Mechanical Engineering
- ESPACE - Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology
- Ecological Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Energy and Process Engineering
- Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
- Environmental Engineering
- Ergonomics - Human Factors Engineering
- Executive MBA in Business & IT
- Executive MBA in General Management
- Executive MBA in Innovation and Business Creation
- Finance and Information Management (FIM)
- Food Chemistry
- Food Technology and Biotechnology
- Forestry and Wood Science
- GeoThermie / GeoEnergie
- Geodesy and Geoinformation
- Green Electronics
- Health Science – Prevention and Health Promotion
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Industrial Chemistry
- Informatics
- Informatics: Games Engineering
- Information Systems
- Integrated Circuit Design
- Land Management and Geospatial Science
- Landscape Architecture
- Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen - Masterstudiengang Berufliche Bildung Integriert
- Management (Main Location: Heilbronn)
- Management (Main Location: Munich)
- Management and Innovation
- Management and Technology (TUM-BWL)
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mathematical Finance and Actuarial Science
- Mathematics
- Mathematics in Data Science
- Mathematics in Operations Research
- Mathematics in Science and Engineering
- Matter to Life
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Medical Engineering and Assistance Systems
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Neuroengineering
- Nutrition and Biomedicine
- Pharmaceutical Bioprocess Engineering
- Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics)
- Physics (Biophysics)
- Physics (Condensed Matter Physics)
- Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics)
- Politics & Technology
- Power Engineering
- Quantum Science & Technology
- Radiation Biology
- Rail, Transport and Logistics
- Research on Teaching and Learning
- Resource Efficient and Sustainable Building
- Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology (RESET)
- Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Software Engineering
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Sustainable Management and Technology
- Sustainable Resource Management
- Teaching at Academic Secondary Schools - Scientific Education
- Technology of Biogenic Resources
- Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM), weiterbildender Masterstudiengang, Teilzeit (Master)
- Transportation Systems
- Urbanism - Urban and Landscape Studies and Design
- Vocational Education Agriculture (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Health and Health Care Science (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Metal Engineering (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Nutrition and Home Economics (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
- Vocational Education Structural Engineering (Teaching at Vocational Schools)
Sokak Görüntüsü